Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. Skin exams allow for early detection making it easier to treat. You should complete your own exam once a month as well as an exam by your healthcare provider, or a dermatologist, annually. To complete your own skin exam:

  • Examine the front and back of your body in a full-length mirror. Check your underarm areas, under your breasts, and your left and right sides.
  • Examine both sides of your arms, palms, between your fingers and your fingernails.
  • Sit down and examine the backs of your legs and feet. Check between your toes, toenails, and soles of feet.
  • Examine the back of your neck, scalp, and ears.
  • Use a hand mirror to check your lower back, buttocks, and genital area.

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Report any changes or irregularities to your healthcare provider.

For more information visit the Skin Cancer Foundation.